Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Sedatif (obat penenang) dan hipnotikum (obat tidur). Nama jalanan BDZ antara lain BK, Lexo, MG, Rohip, Dum. Cara pemakaian BDZ dapat diminum, disuntik intravena, dan melalui dubur. Ada yang minum BDZ mencapai lebih dari 30 tablet sekaligus. Dosis mematikan/letal tidak diketahui dengan pasti. Bila BDZ dicampur dengan zat lain seperti alkohol, putauw bisa berakibat fatal karena menekan sistem pusat pernafasan. Umumnya dokter memberi obat ini untuk mengatasi kecemasan atau panik serta pengaruh tidur sebagai efek utamanya, misalnya aprazolam/Xanax/Alviz.Efek sampingnya adalah :
Akan mengurangi pengendalian diri dan pengambilan keputusan.
Menjadi sangat acuh atau tidak peduli dan bila disuntik akan menambah risiko terinfeksi HIV/AIDS dan hepatitis B & C akibat pemakaian jarum bersama.
Sedangkan Obat tidur/hipnotikum terutama golongan barbiturat dapat disalahgunakan misalnya seconal.Efek sampingnya:
Terjadi gangguan konsentrasi dan keterampilan yang berkepanjangan.
Menghilangkan kekhawatiran dan ketegangan (tension).
Perilaku aneh atau menunjukkan tanda kebingungan proses berpikir.
Nampak bahagia dan santai.
Bicara seperti sambil menelan (slurred speech).
Jalan sempoyongan.
Tidak bisa memberi pendapat dengan baik.


Merupakan suatu zat yang paling sering disalahgunakan manusia. Alkohol diperoleh atas peragian/fermentasi madu, gula, sari buah atau umbi-umbian. Dari peragian tersebut dapat diperoleh alkohol sampai 15% tetapi dengan proses penyulingan (destilasi) dapat dihasilkan kadar alkohol yang lebih tinggi bahkan mencapai 100%. Kadar alkohol dalam darah maksimum dicapai 30-90 menit. Setelah diserap, alkohol/etanol disebarluaskan ke suluruh jaringan dan cairan tubuh. Dengan peningkatan kadar alkohol dalam darah orang akan menjadi euforia, namun dengan penurunannya orang tersebut menjadi depresi.Dikenal 3 golongan minuman berakohol yaitu golongan A; kadar etanol 1%-5% (bir), golongan B; kadar etanol 5%-20% (minuman anggur/wine) dan golongan C; kadar etanol 20%-45% (Whiskey, Vodca, TKW, Manson House, Johny Walker, Kamput).Pada umumnya alkohol :
Akan menghilangkan perasaan yang menghambat atau merintangi.
Merasa lebih tegar berhubungan secara sosial (tidak menemui masalah).
Merasa senang dan banyak tertawa.
Menimbulkan kebingungan.
Tidak mampu berjalan.

About Team Handball

What Is Team Handball? The sport has been compared to basketball, hockey, soccer, water polo and rugby and sometimes confused with the game of handball that features two players, four walls and one rubber ball. There are no walls in team handball; the object is to throw a ball past a goalkeeper into a net for a goal -- worth one point -- using good teamwork and passing. Team handball is fast-paced and high-scoring with lots of contact.
"It's exactly like water polo, except we are on a court and not in the water," says Derek Brown, a Washington native and member of the U.S. men's team. "You have your basketball capabilities as well as some hockey, some rugby, some soccer. Mix that all together and you have team handball."

About Team Handball

What Is Team Handball? The sport has been compared to basketball, hockey, soccer, water polo and rugby and sometimes confused with the game of handball that features two players, four walls and one rubber ball. There are no walls in team handball; the object is to throw a ball past a goalkeeper into a net for a goal -- worth one point -- using good teamwork and passing. Team handball is fast-paced and high-scoring with lots of contact.
"It's exactly like water polo, except we are on a court and not in the water," says Derek Brown, a Washington native and member of the U.S. men's team. "You have your basketball capabilities as well as some hockey, some rugby, some soccer. Mix that all together and you have team handball."

Positions Of HandBall

Big shooters: Usually tall, they are good leapers who shoot from the backcourt.
Middle backcourt players: Direct offense and shoot or try to penetrate the defense.
Circle runners: Screen and pick and shoot hard and fast from the six-meter line.

Kelebihan Solat Tahajud

Orang yang rajin melakukan solat sunat tahajud mendapat 9 kelebihan. 5 daripadanya diperoleh di dunia, manakala selebihnya akan diperoleh di akhirat.

5 kelebihan yang diperoleh di dunia:

1. Allah akan menyelamatkannya daripada bencana
2. Tanda berkat pada wajahnya
3. Disukai oleh ramai manusia
4. Allah jadikannya seorang yang bijaksana
5. Bila bercakap penuh hikmah
4 kelebihan yang akan diperoleh di akhirat:

1. Wajahnya bercahaya
2. Diringankan hisab
3. Menyeberangi titian sirat seperti kilat yang menyambar
4. Dapat buku amalan dengan tangan kanan

"Ya Allah...ringankan tubuh badan kami untuk bangun mengadap dan bermunajat padaMu di sepertiga malamMu..."

team handball

What is this all about, you may ask. Perhaps you don't even know what handball is, or confuse the terms handball and team handball. It's quite all-right - as long as you do not stay ignorant of this wonderful sport and of our women's team in particular. Each time I talk to my foreign friends and enthusiastically rave on about the team's latest achievements in the Olympics or World Championship, I always get the response: "What is handball? Isn't it something about hitting a ball with your hand like in squash? Or Raquett ball? And who cares after all?"
Well, more people ought to care about this exciting and entertaining sport. The women are even much more popular than our - formerly so great - male national team in football! What do you say to that fact, male hooligans and beer-bellied couch potatoes?! ;-) Thus the women's team is a fine example of female role models and innovators within sports, who can do much more than just looking pretty and obeying rules made by others. O.K, the popularity also derives from the fact that here we finally have a sport where Denmark is winning (nearly) all the time. That has a lot to do with it also.